Harry Potter Funny Harry Potter Youre a Wizard
J. K. Rowling's series of fantasy novels sparked the imagination of multiple generations. Over the course of seven books, we watched as Harry, Ron, and Hermione grew from impressionable children to mature teenagers on the cusp of adulthood. Whether referring to the books or movies,Harry Potterteleported audiences to a magical alternate reality where anything was possible. Hogwarts might see its fair share of sieges and mysterious incidents, but who would not trade their classroom for wizard school?
As the novels matured with each entry, J. K. Rowling added a great deal of horror and thriller elements toHarry Potter. Establishing a sense of adventure was always the franchise's main priority, but the author took the necessary time to develop the children as people and not only wizards. After a decade, Harry started to feel less like a fictional character and closer to a childhood friend. We cried when tragedy struck and cheered from the sidelines as the going got tough.Harry Potter sparked something in quite a lot of people, including a desire for fans to add their own twist to the beloved story. In this instant, we are talking about the funny and weird.
Here are 30 hilarious Harry Potter comics that are too funny for words.
30 Regret
After dedicating six books and a half to presenting Severus Snape as the worst professor to ever step into a classroom, Rowling threw a curveball by establishing Snape as a double spy. In reality, Harry's Potions teacher was working for Dumbledore and tried his best to protect Potter during his stay at Hogwarts.
It was all a ruse!
Snape went out as a hero and Harry learned something new about his mother. In a shocking twist, koenta drags the professor back for more. Afte revealing that Harry has Lily's eyes, Snape thought he could finally rest in peace, knowing that his secret was out. In this version, the dude survived, allowing Harry to properly "thank" his teacher. Snape is never going to live down this moment.
29 Goodbye Innocence, Hello Voldemort
Run, Draco, Run! Incredibly, for the first time ever, we actually feel sorry for Malfoy. The kid simply looks so adorable dressed in a black robe and hugging his teddy bear. Harry Potter rarely allowed Draco to act like a normal teen, but every bully was once an innocent child. There had to be a moment when Draco lost his whimsy, albeit Nilessa's interpretation of events is too depressing for words. The "Chibi" art style softens up this harrowing scene, but the comic still paints a pretty terrifying picture. Voldemort is always searching for new recruits and Draco seems like an ideal candidate for the job. Luckily, his parents are already working for the man, so it is just a matter of making an offer they cannot refuse. Voldemort is a tough negotiator.
28 When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
Oh, somebody was bound to use this connection. Say what you want about Robert Pattinson, but the actor launched his career by appearing in two of history's most lucrative film franchises.Twilight receives its fair share of criticism, but Stephenie Meyer's supernatural escapades left a noticeable imprint on her audience.
At least, they were teenagers and not babies...
Edward is a terrible role model, butHarry Potter's Cedric was cool. Confession time, but we were rooting for him during theGoblet of Fire. Anyway, Harry should have been instantly disqualified. The other schools only got one participant and Hogwarts does not deserve special treatment. Daekazu blurs the line between Meyer and Rowling's novels, as Bella and Harry try to capture Cedric's attention. Bella can keep Edward.
27 Sirius' True Love
Due to being locked away in Azkaban, Sirius went years without his wand. These magical sticks are presented as an extension of their owner, so losing one would be akin to misplaying your first car. There are thousands of alternatives out there, but they will never quite feel the same. For some odd reason, escaping from Azkaban tends to automatically reunite the departing wizard with their original wand. Well, either that or they keep every inmates' stick at an easily accessible location. As a prison housing some of the most dangerous wizards in the world, they should consider updating their security policy. Marauder-Shenanigans pictures Sirius' highly anticipated reunion with his wand. Life has gotten in the way for far too long and they have a lot of catching up to do.
26 The Chosen One Never Forgets (Or Forgives)
DukeStewart's Deviant Art page deserves to be read by everyone, as the author has a hilarious sense of humor that perfectly compliments his art style. At best, Draco and Harry could be described as bitter rivals; at worst, they are mortal enemies. Either way, there is hardly any love lost between the teenagers. Harry might be better than Draco, but the wizard is not above petty revenge. If a situation were to arise allowing Harry to get the last laugh on Draco, there is not a single shred of doubt in our mind that he would carefully consider it. The change in the characters' design adds an extra element to the punchline, suggesting DukeStewart knows his manga or anime.
25 Improving Harry Potter's Ending
Harry, you are old enough to know that poking fun at someone's physical appearance is childish. Now, return the dentures to Voldemort and apologize for your inappropriate behavior.
There is no excuse for rudeness.
DocWendigo's illustration has layers to it, as the spell cast by Voldemort is a reference to Ralph Fiennes' peculiar pronunciation in the films. The spell is "Avada Kedavra," but the author included a little joke for fans familiar enough with the series. In this day and age, even comics love to incorporate easter eggs. This version of Harry is rather awesome; in an instant, the chosen one ruined Voldemort's mystique. With a quick joke, the villain hardly seems like much of a threat.
24 There Is More Than A Single Way To Cast A Spell
Here, we have a clear case of a "love" potion gone terribly wrong. The once witty and talkative James has been turned into a giggling pile of mush whose mind has forever been altered. The old Potter has been replaced by a brand new model who yearns to be a better man and wizard. Physically, Sirius Black and Remus are within touching distance of their best friend, but they might as well be on Mars. If nothing else, Alatariel-Amandil's panel establishes Lily as the strongest wizard at Hogwarts. Who else can cast a spell without using her wand? James' bravado has suffered a noteworthy decline; but, in return, the teenager received something much more valuable. Student life just went from boring to awesome.
23 Always The Last To Know...
Harry might have the faith of the world in his hands, but the chosen one is only a child. Rightfully, Dumbledore tried to lift some of the pressure from his shoulders, but the professor could have better prepared Potter for the future. Loleia's criticism makes complete sense, although Dumbledore deserves to be cut some slack. Afterall, Harry had a weird connection to Voldemort, so revealing anything to Neo could have led to trouble. At the same time, a couple of these examples cannot be defended. Why did nobody mention that Riddle and Voldemort were one and the same? Frankly, that should be public knowledge. Harry was a proxy for the audience, so he had to remain ignorant for our sake.
22 Doujinshi Is Not For The Faint Of Heart
Doujinshi is the Japanese word for self-published manga or novels. Think of it as a more official version of fanart. Whether a popular series is from the West or East, there is bound to be a couple of doujinshi making the rounds. One Piece, Naruto, and Dragon Ball Z's non-canon comics rank in the hundreds, with a few that are worth reading.
Some are better than GT (or Super).
Unsurprisingly, Harry Potter is well-represented by the doujinshi community. Anyone who has ever picked up one of these self-published manga knows what to expect. Authors love to play with a franchise's established formula and there is a heavy focus on romantic relationships. Tigerfog imagines Harry, Ron, and Hermione's reaction to discovering their doujinshi. First things first, the art-style is pretty amazing, but Hermione's reaction feels slightly out of character.
21 Harry Ships Albus And Severus
After tying the knot, Ginny and Harry had three children, which were all named by the latter. In honor of Harry's father and godfather, the eldest was called James Sirius Potter. For their second child, the couple went with Albus Severus, since those two names flow seamlessly. Thankfully, Ginny's finally gave birth to a girl, so Harry could honor his mother.
Fred does not even warrant a middle name.
Ignoring the couple's questionable taste in names, koenta wonders how Harry landed on Albus Severus. The author took a more comedic approach to the comic, but that is as appropriate of an explanation as any. Seriously, Albus Severus is going to cause nothing but trouble for that poor child.
20 Finding The Humor In The Worst Of Situations
If there is one artist who knows their way around Hogwarts, it would have to be floccinaucinihilipilificationa. Putting aside their headache-inducing name, their Tumblr profile is littered with hilarious comics and references to J. K. Rowling's fantasy series.
Spoiler alert!
DuringThe Half-Blood Prince, Dumbledore takes a leap from a rather high place. Sadly, everyone's favorite headmaster lands with a thud rather than a graceful pirouette. The novel's depressing ending perfectly set the stage for Harry's final adventure, but it remains the saddest moment inHarry Potter. Apparently, floccinaucinihilipilificationa believes everything has a silver lining, turning Dumbledore's final moments into the perfect Valentine's Day pick-up line. The old man has been around for quite awhile, so he has learned a few moves along the way. Dumbledore is smooth.
19 Snape's Train Of Thought
This entry combines a couple of different drawings created by kyla79 with Snape as the protagonist. While they were not necessarily designed to work as a single story, the panels flow effortlessly from one to the next. Hands down, the middle section is the most interesting part, as it focuses on Snape's reaction when he first lays eyes on Harry Potter. The professor was madly in love with Lily, so seeing her son would have reopened a couple of old wounds. Severus adores Harry's mother, but his time as a Hogwarts' student was hardly pleasant. The teacher must associate the Potter name with quite a few terrible memories, even though Snape's love for Lily survived across generations. Harry is the physical embodiment of Snape's failure.
18 Breaking Voldemort's Spirit
How does one end a series likeHarry Potter? The story developed over the course of a decade, amassing a following that goes into the millions. Writing a conclusion that satisfies the majority of viewers is not going to be simple. The novels and films tackled the final fight between Harry and Voldemort in their own way, but neither was particularly awesome. The former focused too much on dialogue at the expense of action, while the latter seemed inspired byDragon Ball Z.
Thinking outside the box.
Chemicalorange's alternative ending has its problems, but nobody could label it as predictable. Voldemort's scowl is hilarious and we totally believe that Harry is trying to catch 'em all. AnyPokémon trainer worth their salt would know that a Master Ball is needed to catch Voldemort.
17 Fred And George Are In For It!
This entry was part of a comic meme done by uppuN and completed by Loleia. While there is more to it than a simple picture of Snape, this mindbending drawing steals the show. Severus represented the grumpy professor who seems to enjoy tormenting students, especially if their name starts with "H" and ends with "arry Potter," so the female version is probably not going to win any favorite teacher awards. If anything, Severus' alternative could easily serve as the stereotypical annoying teacher. We are half expecting Matilda to show up before saving the students from Snape's wrath. Anyway, looks can be deceiving, so maybe a change in gender is exactly what Snape needed to be a better teacher.
16 Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue...
Going from the snippets of information supplied regarding James and Lily's relationship, Rowling clearly showed they were really into each other. Like, their hearts skipped a couple of beats when their eyes first met. James and Lily were put on this planet to complete each other's sentences, although the latter was better at it.
Lily completes James, who tries to do the same.
Despite their limited screen time, James and Lily's relationship sparked a dedicated fanbase. There are many artists who focus on their romance above the main trio, with julvett serving as the tip of the iceberg. The comic's art is gorgeous and captures the spirit of Valentine's Day. Relationships are rarely smooth sailing, but there is beauty in the imperfections.
15 Where Is A Stag When You Need One?
Harry, remember it is pronounced "Expecto Patronum." Just give it a try, preferably before the dementor catches up. Unfortunately, it seems like Potter's natural instincts are working in overdrive and the wizard decided to flee rather than fight. In the long run, this is probably not the best option, but most people should be able to comprehend the chosen one's thought process. When a dementor is acting like you are the roadrunner, the only way forward is to hightail it out of there. Katiecandraw's comic is genuinely adorable, with the traditional design of the characters adding a comedic edge to proceedings. Yes, Harry is clearly in trouble and requires a spot of help, but this panel could easily be accompanied byBenny Hill's theme.
14 Quidditch Is A (Not So) Manly Sport
Clearly, Lily is a master of pushing James' buttons. Quidditch is Rowling's answer to football, even though the rules are weird.
The snitch is silly and undermines the rest of the match.
Predating Harry by a couple of decades, James was also a decent Quidditch player in his own right. The apple rarely falls far from the tree, and Lily loves to poke holes in James' pride. Taking into account the boy's behavior at Hogwarts, he definitely needed someone who could keep his ego in check. Lily Evans was the right person for the job, although that is likely to offer little in the way of consolidation for Severus Snape. When it comes to hatepotion's panel, James and Lily look adorable as they engage in a bit of banter.
13 Harry Should Ask Hermione To Charm His Shirt...
After re-reading the final novel, Loleia realized that Harry must look like an idiot with two massive bumps under his shirt. The wizard is carrying a pouch full of gadgets and a locket, which cannot be good for his neck. In the meantime, Hermione is literally running around with a black hole sized bag, so she should consider casting a spell to help out the chosen one. The dude cannot show up for the final confrontation against Voldemort looking like he is growing a couple of extra heads on his chest. Battles tend to be won or lost before the conflict starts, and Harry needs to look at his absolute best to rally the troops.
12 Sirius Black Pledges Allegiance To...
Ouch! Sirius, this might be taking things a bit too far. We do not want to imagine a universe wereHarry Potter's rat pack readsTwilight. In Remus' case, it makes sense that he feels a certain attachment to Jacob. The latter might serve as escapism for the former, as J. K. Rowling's franchise does not glamorize werewolves. Due to his transforming ways, Moony's life has been a neverending struggle, but Jacob fully controls his power.
Jacob is Remus' idol.
Alatariel-Amandil loves this bromance. Sirius Black might be the coolest wizard in the series, and we would love a prequel focusing on the group's time at Hogwarts. For this entry, Black saw another opportunity to mess with his friend. Thankfully, Sirius' taste improved with age.
11 Snape Snaps
In the end, Severus Snape proved to be playing for the good guys. This turned the wizard into a noble hero, although that should not excuse his earlier attitude towards Harry. Snape could have accomplished his mission without turning Potter's life into a nightmare. To give credit where credit is due, this made the final twist a lot more shocking, but the dude was hardly a great person. Snape was still obsessed with Lily and reacted poorly to seeing James' similar looking son. ZombieOwl's tribute to the Potions professor is absolutely perfect. It is impossible to not hear the great Alan Rickman's voice, as Snape reacts negatively to Harry and Ron's presence.
Source: https://www.thegamer.com/hilarious-harry-potter-comics-that-are-too-funny-for-words/
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